No explorations are ever wasted

I can’t believe I’m sat here typing on my laptop – no longer my phone – and laying in my bed at home in England. Time has flown since I returned to the U.K from our bijoux beach house in Sicily and I couldn’t look back more fondly on my month in Italia. But, I must admit – it is brilliant to be typing on a keyboard again and not squinting trying to figure out the WordPress app – so every cloud!

I wanted to put a short piece together to expand upon my lessons learnt and exploration gained from my time away. However, I thought I’d start with being more precise to Italy, rather than to life, to keep in tone with my usual writing style (firstly, free flowing and then profundity).

Here is the list I scribbled down when moving from place to place:

  1. Italians have no concept of time – and this could however be down to the fact that wherever you go, whether it be a church or a free standing clock face – it never tells the correct time! And they aren’t all in unison either – they all tell different variations of the wrong time. You can be walking down a street and believe it to be 13:30 but when you see the time next, 5 minutes later, it reads 21:00. Tip: Always know the time.
  2. Italians have zero spacial awareness and it is not uncommon for someone to walk into you or just not move when they see you’re struggling with a heavy suitcase on the cobbled sidewalk. Expect no more and no less. You are somehow in their way even when they are stood still.
  3. When Italian men (in my case, of course) say “Ciao Bella” – it isn’t creepy. It does not equate to the same scenario as when white van men slow down to beep rhythmically until you turn around/ look with a red face to see them wink at you and drive away. I won’t mention the other catchphrases that such humans can come out with.
  4. Italian women are quite straight-laced. The polar opposite to the men. They seem to be less humble and less friendly than even the Eastern Europeans/ Asians. They keep to themselves and don’t understand why you’re touring their part of the world.
  5. Rome breeds crazy people. One day, having lunch, a man was laying face down on the cold road just screaming and singing to himself. He didn’t appear homeless, or starving – but perhaps, just drunk and with heat exhaustion. He carried on this way for a few hours, disappearing somewhere every now and again – only to return with the same tune and plonk himself down in the same place, to continue his plank.
  6. The doors in Italy take Albert Einstein to work out – we couldn’t believe how retarded we felt every single time we went anywhere. We had to get the homeowners or their friends to show us again and again how to open and close the doors. It was worse mainly in Milan but there was no exception anywhere. Either we grew stupider with every bite of pizza, or the doors really do take a rocket scientist to work out – we still aren’t sure.
  7. Wherever you go, you will find a friend.

I know these were all silly remarks but they really are what spring to mind whenever I look over the key points of my time there – and for those going to Italy, it might be good to keep in mind. WEAR A WATCH!

However, these are obviously not the only things I learnt whilst away. My greatest lesson was that: No explorations are ever wasted. 

Whether you are a Jetsetter or a home-bird, I urge you at some time in your life to truly spend a lengthy amount of time in any foreign country and force yourself to adapt to their culture, try and learn their language, and eat/drink like a local. It really does change your perspective on how best to live your life. However, in my case, I know that eating carbs 3x a day only leads you to gaining 7lbs – not to a healthier, fitter me! But you get the general idea.

Secondly, in a form of maddening brilliance, you begin to accept others for who they are and know you’re never alone. It is quite easy to feel lonely when faced with large decisions or going through a tough time, but exploring new places gives you the kind of ease that makes you feel completely at one with yourself. It allows you to go outside of your comfort zone, and away from a bubble, and into the wide world – where people function, exist and live day – in, day – out. There is more to life than your country and habits – in fact, there’s a lot LOT more. And accepting that is a great way to keep focused but open-minded.

And lastly, Italy brought me back to life. Along with the previous two points, it showed me who I was again, which was easily lost in the emotional stress and turmoil of the past few months. I returned knowing exactly what qualities I have honed, and appreciating wholeheartedly the love, respect and intelligence of every friend I made out there. I obviously fell in love several times over (not just with the Italian men), and I ate to my hearts content – without any reservation or thought about my intake. I lived exactly how we are supposed to live as God’s creatures – carefree and happy to be exploring. It brought life back to my veins and heated cold bones.

It showed me what it means to feel completely comfortable with yourself and your surroundings and allowed me to relax in the thought of the future and the excitement it can bring. Even though, now I’ve returned, I’m being faced with some pretty hefty questions regarding where to take my future and whether to move abroad and work or to stay in London and study – I am grateful to have those few months of exploration, which will never be wasted. I’ve explored Italy and myself for a solid month – and I have found that life is most beautiful when we have to say goodbye. Because saying goodbye, when it is honestly difficult to do so, shows us that we are blessed to have had that opportunity and experience in the first place. At the end of the day, and no matter the outcome, I assure you that no exploration will ever be wasted.


Welcome home My Not So Fair Lady!


Skipping breakfast at Tiffany’s

I am going to warn my regular fashionista readers that this blog will be slightly different, yet I still encourage you to read on.

After receiving some questionable news, a very close friend of mine decided lunch somewhere would be good and be the ‘spoon full of sugar to help the medicine go down’ (excuse the Mary Poppins pun). Despite much deliberation, umm-ing and aww-ing about where to go – we decided to try one of the very few cafe’s we haven’t yet eaten cake and drank coffee at – The Blue Quails deli.

For those of you whom know Bath, this small little find is appropriately located – in the centre of the town, yet far enough to guarantee a bit more local eating and not a tourist delicatessen. However, this small cafe is always rammed – and naturally, I wanted to know what the fuss was about!

Blue Quails Deli from the outside - petite yet warming!

Blue Quails Deli from the outside – petite yet warming!

I don’t know about you, but I just adore little cafe’s like this – they appear pristine, and for lack of a better word, rather ‘homely’.

From the inside - the menu is found on black boards, and if you like - you can inspect the salad bar and check out the fritata's and pies!

From the inside – the menu is found on black boards, and if you like – you can inspect the salad bar and check out the fritata’s and pies!

The sweetest little place!

The sweetest little place!

Blackboard of options - scrumptious!

Blackboard of options – scrumptious!

I loved the fact it was a little quirky, with the place itself being rather tiny – it almost ‘forced’ you to talk to everyone in the cafe! There was no Chinese whispers possible! My friend and I got chatting to the lady next to us, who said she was a regular and advised us on our cake choice – but we decided to go for more than cake – we wanted to try out the cuisine too!

For a very respectable £8.50 I chose Palestinian chicken frittata (bizarre I know, but I’m all for the Palestine – cause) and a side salad:

My Palestinian chicken frittata and a side salad - Delish!

My Palestinian chicken frittata and a side salad – Delish!

My friend went for the Duck and homemade chutney ciabatta sandwich (which for £5 seemed rather small!):

Duck & Homemade chutney sandwich

Duck & Homemade chutney sandwich

The colours on the plate don’t grab your attention half as much as my food did, nor does the size look adequate for being only a mere £3.50 cheaper! So, if we were to critique the Deli whatsoever, it would be to advise the readers to pick a frittata (or soup as the woman we met recommended), not the homemade sandwiches.

Now onto the good stuff: Coffee and Cake. The two best ‘C’s’ in life.

We always, without fail, manage our weekly coffee and cake dates – and in keeping with the theme, killing two birds with one stone, we decided to take the ladies recommendation and order two very different deserts:

Coffee and Walnut Cake

Coffee and Walnut Cake

Now, given that I always think coffee cake needs the walnuts, my friend politely disagreed and took the mission upon herself to actively remove every single nut from the cake – quite the effort as I’m sure you agree. The cake itself tasted moist, and the icing quite bitter – which is common for coffee cake, but perhaps (if possible) too – coffee’ish. We appreciated the strawberry and raspberry puree on the side – it was really needed with the harsh taste of the coffee on the back of the throat. Perhaps it wasn’t the best cake we’ve ever had.

My first petits four!

My first petits four!

As the name denotes, this ‘desert’ is quite ‘petits’. Except, it was super delish! I chose the dark chocolate, nut based one – which proved an absolute delight.

Petits fours are a small confectionary or appetiser and usually eaten in France, for those that don’t know. If you ever get the chance – try one, because they are small portions of heaven, and just enough after a large lunch.

When discussing our thoughts about this place with the woman sat next to us, she proceeded to asking me my advice on where she should go in Bath for various things such as: coffee, cake, sportswear, leggings etc.

So the next part of my blog will be attributed to just that – most of the brands will be international well – known labels, but the cafe’s and restaurants perhaps will be more exclusive to just Bath residents and tourists. Either way, I hope you enjoy!

My Top Picks

Best Coffee and Cake: Personally, I recommend Jacobs (Bath). It’s a cute little independent cafe which looks onto the Bath Abbey – the location, alongside it’s food and drink is spectacular and a real treat for locals and visitors alike.  Jacobs uses an independent, ethically – sourced coffee provider called ‘Origins’ – so if you ever see it advertised, you must instantly buy a latte! They also have a large collection of organic herbal tea’s, supporting the local Bath tea – shop – I highly recommend the Green Tea and Ginseng! The homemade cakes are superb too – and it’s also my top pick for ‘Best Cake’ – make sure you try the Carrot cake and Banana bread.

Lovely shot capturing the beauty of Jacobs Coffee House (Bath).

Lovely shot capturing the beauty of Jacobs Coffee House (Bath).

Best Independent Restaurant: Personally, my favourite cuisine is Thai food. I think the fact a good thai is GM – free and gluten – free (which serves my diet perfectly), and for this reason I go for the classic dish ‘Pad Thai’ which i’m sure many of you have tried! So, for that dish in particular, and for the added value of an independent, I would dine at Mai Thai – found on the corner of Manvers Street, Bath. To make an evening out of it – there is also a late – night bar called Circo which has won awards for their spectacular cocktails repetitively – perfecto!

Best Sports Brand: This question is incredibly easy – I stay true to my love of Sweaty Betty and always will. This eco – friendly fabulous couture sports brand provides clothing for yogi’s, runners, skiers, snowboarders, tennis players, swimmers (the list is endless). The clothing is made from the best materials for the given exercise and also ensures you look trendy even when exercising – which does make you want to go running in that cold weather a lot more, I assure you.

Best Fashion Brand: This question is a little more difficult, as the woman didn’t specify whether the brand was high street, or high brand. So I approach this question with caution. If she had asked me my ‘favourite designer’, I suppose that would have been just as tricky. So I will say that there is no ‘best’ fashion brand, as what is good for one person, may be unsuitable for the next. The question seems vague, and therefore so does the answer. However, I can offer an opinion on high – street shops currently, and I’d probably even say that Banana Republic has the most reliable new – season clothes, and recommend my readers to take a look on their website!

Finally, Best Bar in Bath: Another extremely difficult one. Being a cocktail drinker, I could easily recommend numerous places for people visiting to go and check out. There are very few ‘pubs’ and as I dislike beer and wine, it leaves me usually dehydrated at said watering holes. To give the most precise answer, I will set myself the mission of evaluating the local cocktail bars and their drinks for a future blog – so watch out for that one! For now however, I recommend Opium for more intimate drinks, and the Earl for shisha and a great beer garden – but watch this space, as that will probably change!

I’m in great support of local restaurants, cafe’s and bars and so, I hope that most of my recommendations will support these smaller establishments in Bath. It has always been a dream of mine to recreate a shop/ cafe I found in Seminyak, Bali. The cafe was based on detox/ natural health foods, and the shop was mainly yoga gear and homeopathic remedies. Except, it also had a small supermarket attached which sold all the food they used in the cafe (and more!). Great idea – one in which I hope to replica in my own fabulous way in the future.

I hope you too give new shops and restaurant’s a go in your spare time – it’s all in keeping with helping the local economy!

And my moral of this piece will be: No matter how short you are of time, and how stressed you are because of life, make sure you always have time for Friends…. Coffee …. and Cake!!

My Not So Fair Lady XOX

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