Are we as humans becoming Sadomasochists of Love?

This post deviates slightly from my traditional entries which focus primarily on fashion, but, as I am freelancing alongside my MA at CSM I am going to use my home-blog as a lifestyle bureau which will focus on the questions I have personally throughout my day.

Yesterday I found out some news which threw me unexpectedly into a state of complete shock and without even a second thought, I spent the entire day moping around my London flat and avoided human contact at all costs. I was almost forcing myself to feel miserable, rather than my emotions making me feel that way – I guess, you could argue, it is a form of very weak Sadomasochism.

In my sado-state, I started to watch a film called ‘Burton & Taylor’ which explored the fiery love story between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. I became instantly entranced by both the passion behind their history together but mostly (and I don’t want to sound like Carrie Bradshaw but…) “I couldn’t help but wonder” are humans becoming Sadomasochists in Love?

Burton and Taylor shared a turbulent relationship, through which they managed to get married and divorced twice. When the couple decided to work together once more on a play called ‘Private Lives’, spectators bought tickets just to see whether the pair would get back together for the third time. Alcoholism, abuse and drugs summarised their relationship, and after much pain, Taylor stopped turning up for their performance and Burton went to Las Vegas to marry his then-girlfriend Sally Hay.

One of Burton’s theatrical mentors, the Shakespearean actor and director Sir Anthony Quayle, was convinced that the strain imposed on Burton by the reunion with Taylor destroyed his failing health. He died from a brain haemorrhage eight months later. When Taylor was informed of his death, she fainted and swore she would never love anyone the same way again – despite being married and divorced eight different times!

This story transfixes me – I am obsessed by their irrational love and the pain that came to characterise their relationship, but I am in another way jealous of the intimacy and the very fact that I personally have never experienced anything so consuming. Does that make my need for love Sadomasochist?

According to Psychology Today, Sadomasochism can be best explained as follows:

Sadomasochism can be defined as the giving or receiving of pleasure, often sexual, from the infliction or reception of pain or humiliation. It can feature as an enhancement to sexual pleasure, or, in some cases, as a substitute or sine qua non. The infliction of pain is used to incite sexual pleasure, while the simulation of violence can serve to form and express attachment.

Interestingly, PT also quotes:

Consensual sadomasochism should not be confounded with acts of sexual aggression. Moreover, while sadomasochists seek out pain and humiliation in the context of love and sex, they do not do so in other situations and dislike simple, unfettered violence or abuse as much as the next person.

This is exactly why my question is centred around whether we are Sadomasochists in LOVE – not in LIFE. Put simply, in a modern world where gender roles are changing and transforming, are we still satisfied by the traditional “comfortable” family vibe where the relationship is founded on loyalty, or do we now crave a more passion-pain fuelled future?

I decided to look for answers from close-friend and Social Psychologist Catherine Talbot who focuses her research primarily on self-harm and the role of social media in promoting eating disorders. She comments:

In regards to pain, I personally relate it to self-harm. It somehow gives you control over one little thing when everything else is so dynamic. Or maybe, as humans, we are in a state of constant doubt – we aren’t good enough, “I don’t deserve this”, and thus unconsciously we make decisions or take actions which are damaging to ourselves.

Much in the same way that the most common excuse of self-harm is to regain control of our lives, I think we crave pain in love as a way of controlling our destiny with that person. Psychology tells us that our brain craves certainty, as a sense of uncertainty about the future generates a strong threat or ‘alert sense’ in your limbic system. Your brain detects something is wrong, and your ability to focus on other issues diminishes. Your brain doesn’t like uncertainty – it’s like a type of pain, something to be avoided. “Certainty on the other hand feels rewarding, and we tend to steer toward it, even when it might be better for us to remain uncertain.” (Click for more)

However this doesn’t help us explain why relationships such as Marilyn Monroe’s and Bobby Kennedy’s are glamourised in a fashion that makes readers crave the same type of love shared between Burton and Taylor – what we are in fact craving is uncertainty and pain, not loyalty and consistency which we as humans are programmed to want to attain. Yet, we can’t ignore couples such as Beyonce and Jay Z and the Beckhams who hit headlines for the very reason that they are the “perfect pairs”. I worry that I care far too little about them and find the turmoil much more gripping.

If you have ever started an argument pointlessly or enjoy the chase, like feeling empowered or as though the cards are in your favour (anything which denotes an uncertain-unhealthy relationship) then you could theoretically be considered a Masochist of Love – much in the same way I am. After numerous failing relationships and flings, and hitting ‘rock bottom’, the tables have turned and I now remain reserved and ruthless whilst enjoying the pain of rejection or abandonment. In a kind of sickening way, it reminds you that you’re alive – even if it did inevitably kill Richard Burton. I stayed in bed all day yesterday for the simple fact that I wanted to feel hopeless – yet, when I questioned myself later “Are you really this depressed about the situation?” – I wasn’t whatsoever.

It is a natural emotion to have those days where you enjoy doing nothing but to put yourself through pointless pain struck me as Sadomasochist and made me question to what extent do we lust for a tumultuous addictive relationship over a stable, secure one?

As Elizabeth Taylor best summarises:

“I was a fool to marry so often,” she said. “If I had my time over again, I would never do that. The truth is I now don’t give a damn about most of those men. Richard is the only one I truly loved and still care about. I shall miss him until the day I die.” 

Whether we are conscious of it or not, do we seek to cause ourselves more pain than is actually needed? Arguably, we could all be called Sadomasochists of Love at some point or another. Is that worrying for the future of relationships, especially now 50 shades of Grey is called a “modern-day Love Story”…?

My Not So Fair Lady xox

No explorations are ever wasted

I can’t believe I’m sat here typing on my laptop – no longer my phone – and laying in my bed at home in England. Time has flown since I returned to the U.K from our bijoux beach house in Sicily and I couldn’t look back more fondly on my month in Italia. But, I must admit – it is brilliant to be typing on a keyboard again and not squinting trying to figure out the WordPress app – so every cloud!

I wanted to put a short piece together to expand upon my lessons learnt and exploration gained from my time away. However, I thought I’d start with being more precise to Italy, rather than to life, to keep in tone with my usual writing style (firstly, free flowing and then profundity).

Here is the list I scribbled down when moving from place to place:

  1. Italians have no concept of time – and this could however be down to the fact that wherever you go, whether it be a church or a free standing clock face – it never tells the correct time! And they aren’t all in unison either – they all tell different variations of the wrong time. You can be walking down a street and believe it to be 13:30 but when you see the time next, 5 minutes later, it reads 21:00. Tip: Always know the time.
  2. Italians have zero spacial awareness and it is not uncommon for someone to walk into you or just not move when they see you’re struggling with a heavy suitcase on the cobbled sidewalk. Expect no more and no less. You are somehow in their way even when they are stood still.
  3. When Italian men (in my case, of course) say “Ciao Bella” – it isn’t creepy. It does not equate to the same scenario as when white van men slow down to beep rhythmically until you turn around/ look with a red face to see them wink at you and drive away. I won’t mention the other catchphrases that such humans can come out with.
  4. Italian women are quite straight-laced. The polar opposite to the men. They seem to be less humble and less friendly than even the Eastern Europeans/ Asians. They keep to themselves and don’t understand why you’re touring their part of the world.
  5. Rome breeds crazy people. One day, having lunch, a man was laying face down on the cold road just screaming and singing to himself. He didn’t appear homeless, or starving – but perhaps, just drunk and with heat exhaustion. He carried on this way for a few hours, disappearing somewhere every now and again – only to return with the same tune and plonk himself down in the same place, to continue his plank.
  6. The doors in Italy take Albert Einstein to work out – we couldn’t believe how retarded we felt every single time we went anywhere. We had to get the homeowners or their friends to show us again and again how to open and close the doors. It was worse mainly in Milan but there was no exception anywhere. Either we grew stupider with every bite of pizza, or the doors really do take a rocket scientist to work out – we still aren’t sure.
  7. Wherever you go, you will find a friend.

I know these were all silly remarks but they really are what spring to mind whenever I look over the key points of my time there – and for those going to Italy, it might be good to keep in mind. WEAR A WATCH!

However, these are obviously not the only things I learnt whilst away. My greatest lesson was that: No explorations are ever wasted. 

Whether you are a Jetsetter or a home-bird, I urge you at some time in your life to truly spend a lengthy amount of time in any foreign country and force yourself to adapt to their culture, try and learn their language, and eat/drink like a local. It really does change your perspective on how best to live your life. However, in my case, I know that eating carbs 3x a day only leads you to gaining 7lbs – not to a healthier, fitter me! But you get the general idea.

Secondly, in a form of maddening brilliance, you begin to accept others for who they are and know you’re never alone. It is quite easy to feel lonely when faced with large decisions or going through a tough time, but exploring new places gives you the kind of ease that makes you feel completely at one with yourself. It allows you to go outside of your comfort zone, and away from a bubble, and into the wide world – where people function, exist and live day – in, day – out. There is more to life than your country and habits – in fact, there’s a lot LOT more. And accepting that is a great way to keep focused but open-minded.

And lastly, Italy brought me back to life. Along with the previous two points, it showed me who I was again, which was easily lost in the emotional stress and turmoil of the past few months. I returned knowing exactly what qualities I have honed, and appreciating wholeheartedly the love, respect and intelligence of every friend I made out there. I obviously fell in love several times over (not just with the Italian men), and I ate to my hearts content – without any reservation or thought about my intake. I lived exactly how we are supposed to live as God’s creatures – carefree and happy to be exploring. It brought life back to my veins and heated cold bones.

It showed me what it means to feel completely comfortable with yourself and your surroundings and allowed me to relax in the thought of the future and the excitement it can bring. Even though, now I’ve returned, I’m being faced with some pretty hefty questions regarding where to take my future and whether to move abroad and work or to stay in London and study – I am grateful to have those few months of exploration, which will never be wasted. I’ve explored Italy and myself for a solid month – and I have found that life is most beautiful when we have to say goodbye. Because saying goodbye, when it is honestly difficult to do so, shows us that we are blessed to have had that opportunity and experience in the first place. At the end of the day, and no matter the outcome, I assure you that no exploration will ever be wasted.


Welcome home My Not So Fair Lady!


10 Ways to Spring Clean your Life

After recently coming out of a 2 and a half year relationship and having the standard girl break down – crying ridiculously to laughing hysterically, from burning pictures to hugging his clothes (OK – that one was a lie!) I thought I’d put together a small post, mainly aimed at anyone looking to refresh their minds and wake up with a new outlook on life, here are my 10 ways to ‘spring clean’ your life.

1. Exercise and eat healthily

It’s very natural to feel cranky and down, and like the world won’t go on – but exercise, whether you like it or not, is perhaps one of the best forms of learning how to cope with stress!  I like to focus my efforts on running (generally down the canals with no music – to take in the nature) and yoga (as studies have shown that yogi’s are more likely to solve issues quicker as the brain is trained to get into the various stretching positions).


Doing exercise also increases your metabolism, gets you in shape and releases those all important endorphins which gives you drive to keep going! You need to eat healthy to be healthy as you are what you eat after all! Stock up on lots of fruit and vegetables and give your body the detox it requires! Once you do this, you can start to heal and become the very best version of yourself.

This of course doesn’t mean “never indulge” as writing this now, I am munching away on a creme egg – it’s important to create a balance your body needs to heal and refresh.

2. Learn how to say “No”

It’s not a crime to say “no” – even if you don’t have anything better to do! I think we live in a demanding world nowadays which mostly requires us to be adaptable and say “yes” to almost anyone and everything! So when you have the conscious choice, decide if you REALLY want to do something and if you don’t, just say…


3. Take some time out for YOU

So if you’ve been brave enough to take the plunge and say “no” – how about you take some time out for YOU? And what you want to do – not what others want you to do! When in a relationship, you learn to live together and be inseparable constantly, by doing this, we lose a sense of who we are what we bring to the table. By forgetting these simple things, we start to lose a sense of who we are as individuals. This is most definitely one of the hardest ways to “spring clean” your life as you have to rediscover yourself and learn that being alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely.


Light some candles, take a bath, read a book, or just sit in tranquility. Learn what makes you YOU and learn to love it again.

4. Get Tidy!

If you haven’t already – spring clean your home or living space. Clear out the nostalgic memorabilia and throw away your old things that you’re just keeping because you’re a secret hoarder! Throw out the old magazines and organise your things efficiently. Getting organised is one of the best things to clear your mind. If you start working afresh, you will start thinking the same way – so take a deep breath, and throw that rubbish OUT!

springcleanyourlife (1)

Keep the fabulous fashion magazines of course! They don’t need to go unloved!!

5. Make time for your girlfriends

Last night, I went out with my closest girlfriend and some unlikely friends and had the best night in ages. It was refreshingly fabulous for us girls to be on the town – looking and feeling great with our wine jackets on! When you are so used to being with someone, you’re so used to being a two that you forget you’re a one – and you as a one, should have friends that you as a two don’t! So make time for those girlfriends, because you’ll be needing them even more when you least expect to!

friendsIt’s very important to get rid of any negative “friends” you have during this period, those that cause you stress or multiple drama, simply remove. Life is far too short to spend time catering for peoples needs who would never do the same visa versa. You know understand why people say “If you can count your friends on one hand – you’re lucky!’. Make space for new friendships and welcome people in readily – you never know what surprises they might bring!

6. Remove negative energy

There’s always going to be something wrong, someone breaking up, someone poorly, someone more poor etc… You need to remove the negative energy in your life otherwise you won’t have adequate room for the positive energy you need to be letting in! Readily accept new energy and make sure you’re exerting the right kind of energy to the right people! The world is just a giving and taking and lending of various energy – we as bodies and humans are just that!! So don’t allow too much negativity to take over – you don’t want to be that annoying friend who only ever talks about one thing! You’re far better than that.

springcleanyourlife (2)

7. Stop feeling sorry for yourself

I’m hugely guilty of this and it needs to stop! You’re going to be OKAY – there will be many broken hearts and fallen tears before the end of your time, so I suggest you just stop feeling sorry for yourself and think of the positive things which could come out this change in your life. This is interlinked hugely with the negative energy post. When we go through things in life, we can’t get down at every hurdle – the race would never end if we did. It’s time to get up and move on, with a happy approachable face.

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8. Be YOU

I love this one – you need to learn to be YOU. No one else – if you want to have long green hair, wear turtle necks with Hunter wellies and a black bandana then go for it. No one should be judging! If the next day, you wake up and you want to have black short hair, wear ear piercings and call yourself Shania then that’s fine too. I think no one should be critical of how you want to be you – and if they are, then so what! We’ve removed all that negative energy anyway. It’s all about YOU from now on, so experiment and find out who you are and if it works, then great, and if it doesn’t, just change until it does!


9. Don’t be critical of the lives of others

And if you’re doing exactly what you’re doing – then remember that others are doing that too. If they want to go to the pub every weekend, or have seven wives, do drugs and go through mid-life crises’ then FINE. Who are we to judge anyway? Even if it’s part of human nature to do so. With your fresh mind and new outlook on life, you shouldn’t care about what other people are doing.

You don’t like who they are and what they do? Fine. Remove them from your life, but always remember, we must accept the differences in people and let them be.

Note: This does NOT imply that anyone cruel, manipulative or upsetting should be part of your life because “it’s who they are”. This ISNT who we are – this is an example of the type of energy we don’t want in our world because ultimately, this leads to self-destruction.


10. Let go.

OK so guys – this is the biggie. The ultimate deal breaker, the end of the spring clean of your life. This is the last hurdle, which naturally is much higher than any of the others. It requires letting go and closing the door on a huge part of your life. Whether you’ve gone through a personal tragedy, a loss of a loved one, or simply going through a break up – we have to learn to let go. When I speak about my break up, I always say, “but we were together for so long” and in essence, yes, except there’s plenty of things in our life that are going to go on for a long time, and if we never learn to let go – we will never know what’s waiting around the corner.

We need to accept the difficulties we face and the turmoil/upset which comes our way as a repercussion, but we do need to understand and value fate and what the future brings. So have a little cry, indulge in some Ben and Jerry’s, sit down and contemplate – but eventually – you will have to let go. And when it’s done, it’s done. You’re going to wish you did it a lot sooner.



Your WHOLE life awaits you… and remember…

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My Not So Fair Lady xox

The Destructive Inevitable Death of Alexander McQueen


Over five years ago, Lee Alexander McQueen committed his most selfish act, taking his own life. After the fatal death of his mother Joyce, and the suicide of his mentor Isabella Blow, McQueen hung himself in his Mayfair apartment. This of course won’t be news to any of you – but with the recent ‘Savage Beauty’ exhibition coming to V&A in London, and Bath Fashion Week giving an hour talk on Lee’s life, I decided to indulge deeper into what lead to McQueen’s ill – fated destiny.

Lee Alexander McQueen was born on March 17, 1969 in Lewisham, London. His father, Ronald, was a taxi driver in East London, and his mother, Joyce was a teacher who taught social science. On their small incomes, they supported McQueen and his five siblings. At the age of 16, McQueen dropped out of school and found work on Savile Row at a tailor shop ‘Anderson and Shephard’, and then moved to the bespoke ‘Gieves and Hawkes’. After realising his metier, McQueen decided to start working with theatrical costume designers Angels and Bermans; the dramatic style of clothing he made there would later become a signature of his later independent design work.

McQueen then left London for a short stint in Milan, where he worked as a design assistant to Italian fashion designer Romeo Gigli. Upon his return to London, he enrolled at Central Saint Martin’s College of Art & Design, and received his M.A. in fashion design in 1992. The collection he produced as the culminating project of his degree was inspired by Jack the Ripper, and was famously bought in its entirety by the well-known London stylist and eccentric Isabella Blow. She became a long-time friend of McQueen, as well as an advocate for his work.

McQueen and his mentor Isabella Blow

McQueen and his mentor Isabella Blow

Soon after obtaining his degree, Alexander McQueen started his own business designing women’s clothes to which he met enormous success – especially with the introduction of his “bumster” trousers (named because of their extremely low – cut waistline).

Iconic McQueen 'Bumsters'

Iconic McQueen ‘Bumsters’

Only four years out of design school, McQueen was named Chief Designer of Louis Vuitton-owned Givenchy, a French haute couture fashion house. Although it was a prestigious job, McQueen took it reluctantly, and his tenure there (from 1996 to 2001) was a tumultuous time in the designer’s life. Even as he was pushing the limits of what people expected from fashion (one of his shows featured a model who was an amputee walking the runway on carved wooden legs), McQueen felt he was being held back. He would later say that the job “constrain(ed) his creativity.” However, he also made the following admission: “I treated Givenchy badly. It was just money to me. But there was nothing I could do: the only way it would have worked would have been if they had allowed me to change the whole concept of the house, to give it a new identity, and they never wanted me to do that.” Even with his reservations about his work, McQueen won British Designer of the year in 1996, 1997, and 2001, all during his time at Givenchy.

McQueen tested the boundaries by sending amputee model Aimee Mullins down the catwalk with carved wooden legs

McQueen tested the boundaries by sending amputee model Aimee Mullins down the catwalk with carved wooden legs

In 2000, Gucci bought a 51 percent stake in Alexander McQueen’s private company, and provided the capital for McQueen to expand his business. McQueen left Givenchy shortly thereafter. In 2003, McQueen was declared International Designer of the Year by the Council of Fashion Designers of America and A Most Excellent Commander of the British Empire by the Queen of England, and won yet another British Designer of the Year honor. Meanwhile, McQueen opened stores in New York, Milan, London, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. With the help of Gucci’s investment, McQueen had become even more successful than he was before. Already known for the flare and passion of his shows, McQueen produced even more interesting spectacles after leaving Givenchy. Most notably, a hologram of model Kate Moss floated ethereally at the showing of his 2006 Fall/Winter line.

Kate Moss Hologram at McQueen show circa 2006

Kate Moss Hologram at McQueen show circa 2006

Alexander McQueen was also known for not being shy about his lack of traditional good looks or his lower class background. One acquaintance described that during a first encounter, McQueen was “wearing a lumberjack shirt with the most low-class kind of schlubby-looking jeans falling down with a long key chain…[and was] quite podgy.” Another friend said that his teeth “looked like Stonehenge.” According to those who knew him closely, McQueen was proud of breaking the traditional mold of a successful designer.


In 2007, the specter of death would come to haunt McQueen, first with the suicide of Isabella Blow. The designer dedicated his 2008 Spring/Summer line to Blow, and said that her death “was the most valuable thing I learnt in fashion.” Just two years later, on February 2, 2010, McQueen’s mother died. One day before her funeral, on February 11, 2010, McQueen was found dead in his Mayfair, London apartment. The cause of death was determined to be suicide.

McQueen and his mother, Joyce.

McQueen and his mother, Joyce.

Lee was found hung in his wardrobe (which is quite symbolic considering his legacy in fashion) and was said to have slashed wrists. The autopsy stated that McQueen had a “lethal cocktail of cocaine and prescription drugs” in his body at the time of death. Notably plagued and struggling with depression, anxiety and insomnia, it was still a surprise to find the designer dead in his Mayfair apartment close sources reveal.

Most notably, the tweets sent from Lee’s personal account showed little sign of remorse or no hint of what was still to come:

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Read Bottom to Top

However, the designer had made previous suicide attempts, and when the death of his mother had finally sunk in, McQueen had lost the one thing he felt was worth living for. Most fatally, the police found knives around the room, one which he used to previously cut himself, and his laptop open to information on how to commit suicide.

The toxicology report showed his blood contained 2.8 milligrams of cocaine per litre – enough consummation to kill him, without the need of the noose or the slashed wrists. As little as 0.7mg per litre can prove fatal.

A suicide note was found, scrawled on the back of a book called “The Descent of Man” (again, symbolic) and read: ‘Look after my dogs. Sorry, I love you, Lee. P.S. Bury me at the church.’

Alexander McQueen’s rise from lower-class high school dropout to internationally famous designer is a remarkable story. His bold styles and fascinating shows inspired and wowed the world of fashion, and his legacy lives on. However, there is something more striking about McQueen’s story than perhaps any other suicide or death in the industry. There is something very symbolic in Lee’s story which resonates in the fashion world and the memories of his fans and family today.

McQueen’s story was characterised by loneliness and controversy. With a portfolio of memorable shows/looks such as the ‘Golden Showers’ of 1998 which saw the models walking down the runway, caught in a storm, clothes soaked and makeup running. Or the iconic Plato’s Atlantic for it’s unearthly beauty, and the poignant promise of what’s yet to come. It was, of course, his last show.

Looking through the blurred lines of depression and anxiety, McQueens legacy was an individual self – professed mission to change and challenge the boundaries of an industry which inevitably lead to his own self – destruction. McQueen was reported to have said that when he was happy, his collections suffered and the intensity of his frustrations would be reserved and not taken out on his collections. His life and his death were both the same tragic tale, and one was inextricably linked with the other. The symbolic references of McQueen’s suicide (the book, the knives, the cocaine, the tweets, the hanging in the wardrobe) all makes his legacy that much more cataclysmic.

The point of this blog was both to give tribute to McQueen’s fashion endowment, and to ensure that the British population don’t forget that it was he who demolished the rules of fashion and broke tradition. It’s safe to say that those active during McQueen’s reign of British fashion were lucky enough to witness the revolution, and those younger, should learn about him as a fashion hero, and an irrevocable artist.

Never forget the importance of a healthy mental state. I can’t help but think that the tragic death of McQueen has unearthed a perversive impact on British fashion since 2010. An evolution of couture was storming, brewed to be exposed and unveiled by the legend Alexander McQueen himself.

My Not So Fair Lady xox

Unfortunately, I can’t attend the McQueen talk for part of Bath Fashion Week, so if you can – make sure you get tickets:

Also, keep checking back to the V&A website and book tickets for the McQueen Savage Beauty exhibition (not to be missed!):

My pick of the top trends for SS15

After indulging in this month’s Vogue, I decided to put together a short blog post to give my readers insight into my top picks for the new season – an insight into my next purchases and the reasoning behind my choices!

Without further ado…

1. Khaki

Khaki catwalk sensations. From left to right: Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Ralph Lauren

Khaki catwalk sensations. From left to right: Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Ralph Lauren

I’m actually loving the new Chanel season, not for the clothes pictured above as it seems a little ‘unloved single mum’, but for the fact the fashion house is adopting the new theme of feminist protest. With a profound love and interest in feminist movements, Chanel couldn’t be more spot on with supporting current societal and revolutionary change.

Power to the individual. Empowerment of women.

2. Hippy Deluxe

The 1970s Marrakech inspired 'Hippy deluxe' theme comes back this Summer! From left to right: Alberta Ferretti, Etro, Chloé

The 1970s Marrakech inspired ‘Hippy deluxe’ theme comes back this Summer! From left to right: Alberta Ferretti, Etro, Chloé

I recently watched the Yves Saint Laurent film (highly recommend) and was wondering when the Marrakech – inspired couture fashion range was going to make it’s comeback! This look inspired Yves’ greatest work, marking the turning point of his life and career, he actually became one of the richest dead people ever! Quite the achievement. Etro’s kaleidoscope motifs makes for the perfect summer dress – I think I need one of these, for sure.

3. Lace

White lace is a favourite this Summer. Showing bits of skin increases the desire of both the fabric, dress and the lady underneath. From left to right:  Valentino, Chloé, Louis Vuitton

White lace is a favourite this Summer. Showing bits of skin increases the desire of both the fabric, dress and the lady underneath. From left to right: Valentino, Chloé, Louis Vuitton

Resembling Greek heroines, the models look delicate and desirable in the romantic white lace. The gladiator sandals only serve to emphasise the beauty of the final piece – alongside that breathtaking ethereal lace of course! My bets are on Topshop copying this design in their upcoming season – so those who are more cost – conscious, keep your eyes pealed!

4. Ballerina

Ballerina. Perhaps the best look of the season. From left to right: From left to right: Giorgio Armani, Valentino, Alberta Ferretti

Ballerina. Perhaps the best look of the season. From left to right: Giorgio Armani, Valentino, Alberta Ferretti

This has and always will be my childhood dream – being a ballerina! And not for the dance or their spectacular posture and figures, but the chance to spend 99% of your time in a tutu with a tight top knot seems irresistible to the fashion conscious. Nothing screams more couture like the look of glamorous ballerina – think Natalie Portman in Black Swan!

Natalie Portman in the film Black Swan - looking elegant and long in her white swan outfit and beautifully postured face

Natalie Portman in the film Black Swan – looking elegant and long in her white swan outfit and beautifully postured face

So obviously with the new season plie(ing) their way toward the Royal Ballet, I will be adopting the look by investing a replica of Ferretti’s take on the theme! A long tutu is a new season must – have!

5. Night birds

'Night birds' shows feathering and fringing on dark fabrics giving that mysterious but elegant chic night time look! From left to right: Proenza Schouler, Fendi, Balenciaga

‘Night birds’ shows feathering and fringing on dark fabrics giving that mysterious but elegant chic night time look! From left to right: Proenza Schouler, Fendi, Balenciaga

This is actually a style I would like to say I’ve already mastered – perhaps a little ahead of time but nevertheless. Last month I invested in a short feathered and fringed skirt as featured above by Fendi – the detail and the cut gives you that ‘night time bird’ feel and is perfect with a well designed but simple leotard or black crop-top. The dark fabrics represent the shadows of the night, again evoking those images of the black swan who flees the scene with her strong black wings.

6. The androgynous tailoring

The androgynous look - still going strong! From left to right: Anthony Vaccarello, Maison Martin Margiela, Sonia Rykiel

The androgynous look – still going strong! From left to right: Anthony Vaccarello, Maison Martin Margiela, Sonia Rykiel

Absolutely LOVED this look when it first appeared a few years ago and ADORE the fact it’s still going strong. As a girl who picks jeans over skirts and boots over ballet pumps, this trend was a godsend – it gave me an excuse to look androgynous (the way I always kind of have!)

This season however, the emphasis is on the androgynous tailoring – taking the look right back to basics and bringing forward the idea that a woman can look equally as sexy in a masculine suit. To see more of this trend, also (as mentioned earlier) take a closer look at Chanel’s new season working with the feminist phenomenon.

My new season must – haves:

  • Khaki/ Military boots – Vivienne Westwood Seditionaries (CHECK)
  • The Etro kaleidoscope – inspired hippie dress
  • A long tutu skirt – ideally in pastel colours resemblant of the ballerina theme
  • A feathered/ fringed crop top to sit perfectly with my already bought skirt

Make sure you guys keep an eye on the high – street for whatever replica’s they bring out this season! Just because you don’t have the big names, doesn’t mean you’re not a fashion pioneer!

I’m looking forward to the new season,

My not so fair lady xox

I take no credit for the images featured, these will be found on the British Vogue homepage. For that reason, I hereby certify that they are used solely for the purpose of the blog and I will not be claiming them as my own. To find the article which the photos have been used can be found by clicking on this hyperlink:!pop-art

Drinks in style

Last night’s celebrations were for Ed’s 22nd – Happy Birthday again! So obviously, a new outfit was in order – even a new jacket. The dress pictured in the photo of me below was from Religion, a smashing new season beauty falls elegantly on any figure. It has been fashioned with a Banana Republic chunky necklace to give it that extra grunge it needed to go from a potential debutante dress to one suitable for a birthday night out in Bath! In other words, it needed to be classy but not restrictive, and most importantly – pretty but never ‘cute’.

Me last night in a religion dress and banana republic necklace. The shoes are courts from Kurt Geiger - KG brand.

Me last night in a Religion dress and Banana Republic necklace. The shoes are courts from Kurt Geiger – KG brand.


Huge studded and weighted necklace, made from metals and stones from Banana Republic. Still available in store now! Perfect for any occasion to sass up your outfits! Cross earrings also shown from couture boutique on the backstreets of London – absolute find!

All smiles ahead!

All smiles ahead! Still in love with the classic white shoe – black toe heels! 

Close up of the Kurt Geiger shoes. Perfect for any occasion and the heel low enough to wear comfortably - perfect for that crazy night out or just casual drinks

Close up of the Kurt Geiger shoes. Perfect for any occasion and the heel low enough to wear comfortably – perfect for that crazy night out or just casual drinks

What’s really great about this dress in particular is the ease of the print. As the fabric isn’t hugely detailed, it doesn’t make accessorising too difficult – instead, the dress can be fashioned with something simple but enables you to add some block colour.

Added casual cardigan/jacket from All Saints with a golden fringe - enabling you to bring in those golden sparkly accessories and bag!

Added casual cardigan/jacket from All Saints with a golden fringe – enabling you to bring in those golden sparkly accessories and bag!

As I was fashioning a religion dress, I decided to add some cliche cross sparkle – studded earrings bought a few years back from a cute boutique on the backstreets of London. They were an absolute bargain and have come in use ever since. Except, I think something that simple would be really easy and cool to make your own – buying standard cross earrings and adding your own diamantes. If you can’t buy it – make it!

Jesus Cross Earrings!

Jesus Cross Earrings!

The night was a success and everyone who’s anyone looked stunning. Which leads me to my next point… What do people look like the morning after?

Well, in my opinion if you want to grab your joggers and a cashmere sweater, be my guest! Except, when you’re looking for a hangover cure which goes far beyond paracetamol and junk food, how about trying to ‘train’ your brain that it feels fine..

For example, this morning after the deep sigh of regret for staying out until the early hours of the morning and having to be up and out the house also in the somewhat ‘early hours of the morning’ (9am) – I decided to break my comforting habit of slouch clothes and coffee, and got dressed as if feeling fresh as a daisy!

The morning after

The morning after

Feeling Westwood inspired, I went for a classic punk rock meets Russian couture look styling ripped jeans and Westwood boots with a Moschino scarf and white fur Russian hat. The pearls were added for couture effect – made famous by my idol Audrey Hepburn, and the red lipstick added to bring the colours out in my scarf and add a bit of umph to the face of someone struggling! The lips are bold enough to allow your eye makeup to be subtle, so today I went for just mascara on top and bottom lashes but with a thick Rimmel 01 red lipstick – perfect for day or night time!

The bag is added to bring some metallic madness to the outfit, and ties in with the overall look of the style

The bag is added to bring some metallic madness to the outfit, and ties in with the overall look of the style

Close up of the bag in all it's glory - looking bold and fabulous against the overall black of my chosen outfit. Beautifully Italian crafted bags alike to this one from Riparni make any outfit that little bit more special!

Close up of the bag in all it’s glory – looking bold and fabulous against the overall black of my chosen outfit. Beautifully Italian crafted bags alike to this one from Riparni make any outfit that little bit more special!

And of course it wouldn’t be the same without a close up of these beauties…

Vivienne Westwood Seditionaries boots. New season and available now! High demand, so grab yours soon!

Vivienne Westwood Seditionaries boots. New season and available now! High demand, so grab yours soon!

I decided to try this post as a tester, to see if my readers are interested in how I put my day – to – day outfits together! So do comment or message me with your thoughts.

I guess the main moral I want you to take away from this post is:

It doesn’t matter what day or mood you’re in, you have no excuse not to look fabulous!

My not so fair lady xox

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